September 19, 2013

The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break and Other Updates

I haven't turned on my television in two weeks. There it sits, an unused focal point in my living room, gathering dust and acting like a shiny black mirror.

Not much seems to interest me anymore. I remember enjoying Breaking Bad and looking forward to the new season. I also liked The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire and Dexter. But apparently I didn't like any of them enough to keep watching.

So what have I been doing with my time?

I just finished reading The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break by Steve Sherrill (highly recommended). It's a bit odd at first, but once you get used to the idea of the 5,000 year old Minotaur living among humans in the modern-day American south, it's a great read.

Now I'm reading The Final Confession of Mabel Stark, a fictional account of the life of a circus performer during the 1920s. So far it's excellent. I bought it used for one penny on Amazon. Pretty good bargain, if you ask me, although the shipping did cost $3.

I've also been fencing in the newest raised garden bed in my backyard with re-purposed wooden boards I found in the shed.

Speaking of gardens, I've also eaten about ten bazillion tomatoes this month alone. They took their sweet time ripening. But once they did, they ripened hard.

Been playing a little guitar again, too. Next month I'm going to see Bonnie Prince Billy perform in Providence so I've been teaching myself (or re-learning) a bunch of his songs. There's no better way to get inside a song, to inhabit it so to speak, then by learning how to play it.

Yesterday I went to the dentist. Next week I have my annual physical. And at some point, I need to start looking for a new car, which I'm dreading.

This is a pretty dull post, but there you have it. My September in a nutshell. I think I need some kind of excitement or something.

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